Trees are for life, not just for Christmas…
Deforestation is a huge problem affecting us all. We are starting a reforestation program in Musoma, Tanzania, to help the ecosystem and provide an income to farmers.
So far, we have planted 2,000 trees and have a plan to plant 12,000 more in the next 12 months. To achieve this, we are asking people to consider buying a tree for Christmas or anytime. This costs £5 and you will receive an information booklet about the scheme as well as a certificate, giving you the location, type of tree and the farmers name.
For an extra £3 plus postage, we will send you a decorated tree carving, creating a great Christmas gift.
This is the last week to order trees before Christmas and we now have less than 30 tree carvings remaining. If you would like to receive your tree certificates before Christmas, please get in touch now!
Why not buy a Christmas present that really Makes a Difference? To buy a tree or for more details, please email info@gomad.org.uk