Why it is important
According to the World Health Organisation, every 2 minutes, a child dies of malaria.
Most mosquitoes bite during the night. the simple act of sleeping under a net will reduce the risk of a family catching malaria from mosquitoes. In some households the children share a bed so that one net can protect the lives of multiple children.
How it makes a difference
Mosquito nets are a simple and cost effective intervention against malaria. A mosquito net provides a physical barrier against mosquitos at night, when people are most vulnerable to malaria. Each treated net offers protection for an entire family for at least three years. Over the past three years, We have distributed over 10,000 mosquito nets to people across Musoma, preventing them from contracting malaria and extending their life expectancy.
Neema’s mother, Maria, lives in Nyambeshi, where malaria is the leading cause of death. She said “Thank you so much for this mosquito net, all my children sleep under it and I am so happy because I know they are protected.”
Give Life-Saving Mosquito Nets
This gift will provide one family with a treated mosquito net to prevent young lives being needlessly lost to malaria.
Please note
Each gift comes with a personalised, explanatory postcard which will be sent to you by email or post.Postage and packaging is included within the UK.